1997-2001 清华大学汽车工程系 工学学士
2002-2003 日本 东京大学生产技术研究所 研究学生
2003-2005 日本 东京大学产业机械系 工学硕士
2005-2008 日本 东京大学产业机械系 工学博士
2008-2011 日本 丰田中央研究所 客座研究员
2011-2016 清华大学 汽车工程系 助理研究员
2016至今 清华大学 副教授
ACMD Student Award (Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics) 2008
[7] Y. Suda, W. Wang, M. Nishina, S. Lin, Y. Michitsuji, Self-steering ability of the proposed new concept of independently rotating wheels using inverse tread conicity, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 50, Supplement, 2012, pp291-302, (2012-7)
[6] C. Hung, Y. Suda, W. Wang, M. Morikawa, T. Yamashita, T. Kawanabe, T. Kunimi, Study on Detection of Signs of Wheel-Climb Derailment for Railway Vehicle, 鉄道車両の乗り上がり脱線予兆検知に関する研究, JSME Transactions, Series C, Vol. 76, No. 767, pp21-26, (2010-7).
[5] W. Wang, 考虑牵引力作用的独立旋转车轮导向转向架的运行性能,国外铁道车辆,第47卷,第4期,pp11-15,(2010.7)
[4] W. Wang, Y. Suda, Y. Michitsuji, Running Performance of Steering Truck with Independently Rotating Wheel Considering Traction and Braking, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol, 46, Supplement, pp899-909, (2008).
[3] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on Control of Air Suspension System for Railway Vehicle to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction at Low Speed Transition Curve Negotiation, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 44, Supplement, pp814-822, (2006).
[2] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Performance Promotion on Control of Air Suspension s in Railway Vehicles for Prevention of Wheel Load Reduction, 鉄道車両用空気ばね系の輪重抜け抑制制御性能の向上に関する研究, JSME Transactions, Series C, Vol. 72, No. 718, pp174-178, (2006-6).
[1] Y. Suda, W. Wang, Y. Kurosaki, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on Control of Air Suspensions in Railway Vehicle for Prevention of Wheel Load Reduction, 鉄道車両用空気ばね系の輪重抜け抑制制御に関する研究, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing, Vol. 71, No. 702, pp96-99, (2005-2).
[25] Y. Suda, W. Wang, M. Nishina, S. Lin, and Y. Michitsuji, Self-steering Ability of the Proposed New Concept of Independently Rotating Wheelset Using Inverse Tread Conicity, Proc. of the 21th IAVSD Symposium, paper35.2, Manchester,2011
[24] Wei ZHANG, Wenjun WANG, Bo CHENG, Detection Method for Driver Aggressive Behaviors, First International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology toward zero-traffic-accident, Proc. CD No. 20117400 , (Tokyo, JAPAN, 2011-9)
[23] 张维、王文军、成波,不良驾驶行为识别评价方法,中国汽车工程学会第十四届汽车安全技术学术会议,(北京,2011.8)
[22] W. Wang, H. Kuroyanagi, K. Yoshida, 6 Force Component Balance for Wind Tunnel Model Tests, The 10th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC 2010), Proc CD No. 1A16, (Tokyo, Japan, 2010-8).
[21] W. Wang, H. Kuroyanagi, K. Yoshida, Built-in 6 Force Component Balance for Wind Tunnel Vehicle Model Test, 車両空力模型組込み用6分力計の開発, Proc of the 18th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp139-130, (Tokyo, Japan, 2009-12).
[20] M.Nishina, Y.Michitsuji, Y.Suda and W.Wang, The Design of a Railway Bogie Self-steering Mechanism Considering the Nonlinear Effects of Linkage, Proc. of The 9th international conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Munich, CD-ROM, No.1110,2008
[19] 道辻洋平,仁科穣,須田義大,王文軍,自己操舵性独立回転車輪台車のリンク系ジオメトリの最適化による走行性能改善の可能性,日本機械学会年次大会講演論文2008,Vol.7,pp.135-136,20080802.
[18] Y. Michitsuji, M. Nishina, Y. Suda, W. Wang, Design Method of Parameters for Steering System in Self-Steering Bogie with Independently Rotating Wheels based on Multi-body Simulation, マルチボディシミュレーションに基づく自己操舵性独立回転車輪台車の操舵系パラメータの設計, Proc of the 14th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail2007), pp343-344, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2007-12).
[17] W. Wang, Y. Suda, Y. Michitsuji, Study on Steering Truck with Independently Rotating Wheel Considering Traction and Brake, 駆動?制動を考慮した独立回転車輪を用いる走行装置に関する研究, Proc of the 14th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail2007), pp651-654, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2007-12).
[16] Y. Suda, T. Ando, M. Kotani, W. Wang, K. Nakano, Study on Characteristics of Flywheel Energy Storage System for Vehicle and on Rollover Prevention, 車載用フライホイールのエネルギ貯蔵特性とジャイロによる横転防止システムに関する研究, Proc of the 16th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp211-214, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2007-12).
[15] W. Wang, Y. Suda, H. Sugiyama, Multibody Dynamics Simulation of High Speed Railway Transport with Tunnel Aerodynamic Force, トンネル空気力を考慮した高速鉄道のマルチボディダイナミクス解析, Proc of the 16th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp85-86, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2007-12).
[14] W. Wang, Y. Suda, M. Kotani, Tilting Control of Railway Vehicle by Gyroscopic Moment, The 7th International Conference on Railway Bogie and Running Gears, pp311-316, Hungary, 2007-9)
[13] Y. Suda, W. Wang, M. Kotani, Study on Tilting Control with Gyro, ジャイロを用いた車体傾斜システムに関する研究, Proc of Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2007 Japan (MEJC-07), JSME, Vol. 7, pp369-370, (Tokyo, Japan, 2007-9).
[12] Y. Suda, M. Kotani, W. Wang, Study on Rollover Prevention, 横転防止制御システムに関する研究, Proc of Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2007 Japan (MEJC-07), JSME, Vol. 7, pp365-366, (Tokyo, Japan, 2007-9).
[11] W. Wang, Y. Suda, Y. Michitsuji, Running Performance of Steering Truck with Independently Rotating Wheel Considering Traction and Braking, 20th Symposium of the International-Association-for-Vehicle-System-Dynamics, 125-126, (Berkeley, California, USA, 2007-8)
[10] Y. Suda, W. Wang, M. Kotani, Study on Tilting Control of Vehicle by a New Method, 新方式による車両の姿勢制御に関する研究, Proc of the 15th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp253-256, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2006-12).
[9] Y.Suda, Y.Michitsuji, H.Sugiyama, W.Wang, S.Lin and K.Masuhara, Self Power, Self Routing, Organic LRT System, The 3rd International Workshop on Light Rail Transit, Kyoto, 108, 2006
[8] W. Wang, Y. Suda, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Transition Curve Negotiation Simulation of Railway Vehicle for Air Suspension Control to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction, The Third Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (ACMD2006), Proc CD-ROM No.A00714, (Tokyo, Japan, 2006-8)
[7] W. Wang, Y. Suda, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Control of Air Suspension to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction at Transition Curve Negotiation, International Symposium on Speed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems (STECH06), Proc pp269-274, (Chengdu, China, 2006-7)
[6] W. Wang, Y. Suda, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Practical Use of Air Suspension Control Device to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction at Transition Curve (Bench Test with Trail Manufactured Large Air Flow LV), 緩和曲線輪重減少抑制性能を有する空気ばね制御装置の実用化に関する研究(試作大流量LVを用いた走行模擬試験), Proc of the 12th Joint Railway Technology Symposium (J-Rail2005), pp275-278, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2005-12).
[5] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Simulation of Low Speed Transition Curve Negotiation and Air Suspension Control to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction of Railway Vehicle, The 2005 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information In Engineering Conference, Proc CD-ROM, DETC2005-84317, (Long Beach, California, USA, 2005-9)
[4] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on Control of Air Suspension System for Railway Vehicle to Prevent Wheel Load Reduction at Low Speed Transition Curve Negotiation, 19th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics, (Milano, Italy, 2005-8)
[3] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on the Control Performance Improvement of Wheel Load Reduction Prevention at Transition Curve about Air Suspension System of Railway Vehicle, 鉄道車両空気ばね系の緩和曲線輪重減少抑制制御性能向上に関する研究, Proc of the 13th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp195-198, (Kawasaki, Japan, 2004-12).
[2] Y. Suda, W. Wang, H. Komine, Y. Kurosaki, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on Control of Air Suspensions in Railway Vehicles for Prevention of Wheel Load Reduction, The 7th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Proc CD-ROM No.115, (St. Louis, Missouri USA, 2004-8)
[1] Y. Suda, H. Komine, Y. Kurosaki, W. Wang, Y. Sato, T. Nakai, Y. Shimokawa, Study on Control of Air Suspensions in Railway Vehicles for Prevention of Reduction Wheel Load, 鉄道車両用空気ばね系の輪重抜け抑制制御に関する研究, Proc of the 10th JSME Kanto Branch annual meeting, pp229-230, (Tokyo, Japan, 2004-3).
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