2009.09-2015.06 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院 工学博士(硕博连读)
2019.08 – 至今 | 清华大学车辆与运载学院, 副研究员 |
2017.10 – 2019.07 | 加拿大滑铁卢大学机电车辆系统实验室, Research Associate |
2015.10 – 2017.09 | 加拿大滑铁卢大学机电车辆系统实验室, 博士后 |
1. 智能网联汽车安全决策规划
2. 智能网联汽车预期功能安全(SOTIF)
3. 智能网联汽车伦理决策
4. 智能网联汽车安全性测试评价
1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金,“自动驾驶决策的预期功能安全认知机理及应用”,2020-4至2024-12,主持
2. 科技部国家重点研发计划“道路车辆智能集成控制与安全保障关键技术与应用”,课题三:“无人运输车辆预期功能安全实时评估与防护技术”,2020-07 至 2023-10,主持
3. 中国科协 青年人才托举工程项目, 2020-12 至 2023-09,主持
4. 重点研发计划“智能汽车预期功能安全实时防护及测试验证技术”,2022-12至2025-11,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目 “城市智能共享汽车预期功能安全熵的基础理论与验证关键技术”,2020-1至2023-8,参与
6. 国际联合共建支撑项目 清华大学-丰田联合研究中心 城市复杂交通场景下的预期功能安全决策技术研究, 2021-03 至 2023-03,主持
CAICV-智能网联汽车预期功能安全工作组,执行副组长(2020年 ~ 至今)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System,副主编 (2022年 ~ 至今)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 副主编 (2022年 ~ 至今)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 副主编 (2022年 ~ 至今)
Engineering,中国工程院院刊,青年通讯专家 (2019年 ~ 至今)
Automotive Innovation,科学编辑 (2020年 ~ 至今)
Engineering,智能网联汽车安全专刊,执行主编 (2022年)
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,自动驾驶安全专刊,客座主编 (2021年)
清华大学第十届青年教师教学大赛(工科组)一等奖 2022
Automotive Innovation 最佳论文奖,通讯作者,2022
25th IEEE ITSC 会议论文 Best student paper,通讯作者,2022
Automotive Innovation 最佳论文奖,通讯作者,2018
发表学术论文73篇, 其中, SCI检索收录41篇, 第一/第二/通讯作者文章30余篇, ESI高被引论文5篇。部分论文如下:
1. Wang, Hong.,Amir Khajepour;Dongpu Cao;Teng Liu (2022). Ethical decision making in autonomous vehicles: Challenges and research progress. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 14(1), 6-17.(封面文章)
2. Jiaxin Liu; Wang Hong, ;Liang Peng; Zhong Cao; Diange Yang; Jun Li . Member, IEEE, Liang Peng, Zhong Cao , Member, IEEE, Diange Yang , and Jun Li (2022). "PNNUAD: Perception Neural Networks Uncertainty Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicle," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
3. Xiaolin Tang, Kai Yang, Wang Hong, Jiahang Wu, Yechen Qin, Wenhao Yu, Dongpu Cao. (2022). Prediction-Uncertainty-Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.7-4-849-862.
4. Wang, Hong.,Bing Lu, Jun Li, Teng Liu, Yang Xing, Chen Lv, Dongpu Cao, Jingxuan Li, Jinwei Zhang, Ehsan Hashemi.(2021) Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Local Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles with LSTM based Predictive Model. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 19-4-2738-2749.
5. Liang Peng, Wang, Hong, Jun Li.(2021) Uncertainty Evaluation of Object Detection Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles . Automotive Innovation.4-3-241-252.Springer Singapore;(最佳论文奖)
6. Kai Yang, Xiaolin Tang, Yechen Qin, Yanjun Huang, Wang, Hong, Huayan Pu. (2021). Comparative study of trajectory tracking control for automated vehicles via model predictive control and robust H-infinity state feedback control. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 34(1), 1-14.SpringerOpen,
7. Wang, Hong. Yanjun Huang, Amir Khajepour, Dongpu Cao, Chen Lv. (2020). Ethical Decision-Making Platform in Autonomous Vehicles with Lexicographic Optimization based Model Predictive Controller. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
8. Wang, Hong., Amir Khajepour, Dongpu Cao, Teng Liu (2020). Ethical Decision Making in Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges and Research Progress. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.6-17.
9. ingxuan Li., Zhilin Jin., & Wang, Hong.*. (2020). Anti-rollover motion planning for heavy-duty vehicle. In IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 5051-5056).
10. Zhilin Jin, Jingxuan Li, Wang, Hong, Jun Li, Chaosheng Huang. (2020). Anti-rollover Motion Planning for Automated Heavy Trucks. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. (In press)
11. Luo Jiang, Jie Ji, Yue Ren,Wang, Hong, Yanjun Huang. (2020). Risk Modeling and Quantification of a Platoon in Mixed Traffic Based on the Mass-Spring-Damper Model. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020.
12. Bing Lu, Guofa Li, Huilong Yu, Wang, Hong, Jinquan Guo, Dongpu Cao, Hongwen He. (2020). Adaptivepotential field-based path planning for complex autonomous driving scenarios. IEEE Access, 8, 225294-225305.
13. Luo Jiang;e Ji;Yue Ren;Wang, Hong, ,.(2020) Longitudinal motion control for vehicle platooning in mixed traffic based on virtual mass-spring-damper theory. International Journal of Vehicle Design.
14. Teng Liu, Bing Huang, Zejian Deng, Wang, Hong, Xiaolin Tang, Xiao Wang, Dongpu Cao. (2020). Heuristics-oriented overtaking decision making for autonomous vehicles using reinforcement learning. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation. 10-4-417-424.The Institution of Engineering and Technology
15. Chen Lv;Chao Huang;Chen Lv;Yahui Liu;Wang, Hong, ;Dongpu Cao. (2020). A Personalized Deep Learning Approach for Trajectory Prediction of Connected Vehicles (No. 2020-01-0759). SAE Technical Paper.
16. Haotian Cao., Zhenghao Zhang., Xiaolin Song., Wang, Hong., Mingjun Li., Song Zhao., & Jianqiang Wang. (2020). An investigation on the link between driver demographic characteristics and distracted driving by using the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving data. Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles.
17. Teng Liu, Xingyu Mu, Xiaolin Tang, Bing Huang, Wang, Hong, Dongpu Cao.(2020)Dueling Deep Q Network for Highway Decision Making in Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.08343
18. Teng Liu, Wang, Hong, Bing Lu, Jun Li, Dongpu Cao.(2020) Decision-making for Autonomous Vehicles on Highway: Deep Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action Horizon..arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.11852
19. Teng Liu, Xiaolin Tang, Jiaxin Chen, Wang, Hong, Wenhao Tan, Yalian Yang.(2020)Transferred Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Driving Conditions Recognition 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC)1-6
20. Teng Liu, Yang Xing, Xiaolin Tang, Wang, Hong, Huilong Yu, Fei-Yue Wang (2020). Cyber-Physical-Social System for Parallel Driving: From Concept to Applications .IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 13-1-59-69.
21. Jie Ji, Wang, Hong, Yue Ren.(2020).Path Planning and Tracking for Vehicle Collision Avoidance in Lateral and Longitudinal Motion Directions. Morgan & Claypool Publishers
22. Bing Lu, Hongwen He, Huilong Yu, Wang, Hong, Guofa Li, Man Shi, Dongpu Cao. (2020). Hybrid Path Planning Combining Potential Field with Sigmoid Curve for Autonomous Driving. Sensors, 20(24), 7197.
23. Teng Liu; Wang, Hong., Bin Tian; Yunfeng Ai; Long Chen. (2019). Parallel distance: A new paradigm of measurement for parallel driving. transportation, 2, V2I.
24. Wang, Hong.,Yanjun Huang., Amir Khajepour., Yubiao Zhang., Yadollah Rasekhipour., &Dongpu Cao (2019). Crash mitigation in motion planning for autonomous vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(9), 3313-3323.
25. Wang, Hong., Yanjun Huang;Amir Soltani;Amir Khajepour;Dongpu Cao. (2019). Cyber-Physical Predictive Energy Management for Through-the-Road Hybrid Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(4), 3246-3256.
26. Yuecheng Li;Hongwen He;Jiankun Peng; & Wang, Hong.*. (2019). Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management for a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle Enabled by History Cumulative Trip Information. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(8), 7416-7430.
27. Teng Liu., Xiaolin Tang., Wang, Hong.*, Huilong Yu., & Xiaosong Hu. (2019). Adaptive Hierarchical Energy Management Design for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
28. Yang Xing., Chen Lv;., Huaji Wang.,Wang, Hong., Yunfeng Ai, Dongpu Cao.,Efstathios Velenis . & Fei-Yue Wang. (2019). Driver lane change intention inference for intelligent vehicles: Framework, survey, and challenges. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(5), 4377-4390.
29. Yanjun Huang;Wang, Hong.;Amir Khajepour;Haitao Ding;Kang Yuan;Yechen Qin.. (2019). A Novel Local Motion Planning Framework for Autonomous Vehicles based on resistance network and model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
30. Yanjun Huang;Haitao Ding;Yubiao Zhang;Wang, Hong. ;Dongpu Cao;Nan Xu;Chuan Hu. (2019). A Motion Planning and Tracking Framework for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Artificial Potential Field-Elaborated Resistance Network (APFE-RN) Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
31. Mingjun Li;Xiaolin Song;Haotian Cao;Jianqiang Wang;Yanjun Huang;Chuan Hu;Wang, Hong. (2019). Shared Control With a Novel Dynamic Authority Allocation Strategy Based on Game Theory and Driving Safety Field. Mechanical systems and signal processing 124(2019) 199-216.
32. Yang Xing., Chen Lv;, Wang, Hong., A Personalized Deep Learning Approach for Human-Like Trajectory Prediction of Connected Vehicles (2019). SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles.
33. Xiaolin Tang;Dejiu Zhang;Teng Liu;Amir Khajepour;Haisheng Yu.& Wang, Hong.. (2019). Research on the energy control of a dual-motor hybrid vehicle during engine start-stop process. Energy, 166, 1181-1193.
34. Yanjun Huang., Milad Khazeraee., Wang, Hong.*., Soheil M. Fard, Tianjun Zhu., & Amir Khajepour. (2018). Design of a regenerative auxiliary power system for service vehicles. Automotive Innovation, 1(1), 62-69. (最佳论文奖)
35. Wang, Hong.,Yanjun Huang., & Amir Khajepour. (2018). Cyber-physical control for energy management of off-road vehicles with hybrid energy storage systems. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(6), 2609-2618.
36. Yanjun Huang., Wang, Hong.*,Amir Khajepour., Bin Li.,Jie Ji, Kegang Zhao,.Natasha Merat, & Chuan Hu,. (2018). A review of power management strategies and component sizing methods for hybrid vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 96, 132-144.
37. Wang, Hong., Yanjun Huang., Amir Khajepour., Teng Liu., Yechen Qin., Yubiao Zhang.(2018). Local Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Crash Mitigation. 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (IV'18).
38. Chuan Hu;Rongrong Wang;Fengjun Yan;Yanjun Huang;Wang Hong.;Chongfeng Wei. (2018). Differential steering based yaw stabilization using ISMC for independently actuated electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(2), 627-638.
39. Wei Liu;Amir Khajepour;Hongwen He;Wang, Hong.,;Yanjun Huang. (2018). Integrated torque vectoring control for a three-axle electric bus based on holistic cornering control method. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(4), 2921-2933.
40. Yubiao Zhang;Yanjun Huang;Wang, Hong.;Amir Khajepour. (2018). A comparative study of equivalent modelling for multi-axle vehicle. Vehicle System Dynamics, 56(3), 443-460.
41. Xu, Y. , Shao, W., Li, J., Yang, Kai., Wang, W., Huang, H., Lv, C., Wang, Hong.*. (2022) SIND: A Drone Dataset at Signalized Intersection in China. In the 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). (最佳学生论文奖)
1. 王红,于文浩,段紫文(校外),李骏;基于环境风险评估的智能网联汽车安全控制方法和系统-美国专利; US11518409B2
2. 王红,于文浩,段紫文(校外),李骏 ;基于环境风险评估的智能网联汽车安全控制方法和系统; 202110363690.7
3. 李骏,王红,刘家欣,曹重;实现自动驾驶决策的方法、装置、计算机存储介质及终端;202210024357.8
4. 王红,彭利明(校外),白先旭(校外),于文浩;一种智能网联汽车队列系统中纵向控制方法和装置;202111192616.X
5. 王红,于文浩,李骏;一种计算潜在碰撞严重指数的方法、装置和系统;202110678719.0
1. Wang, Hong., Huang, Y., & Khajepour, A., & Hu, C. (2017), "Electrification of Heavy-Duty Construction Vehicle", Morgan & Claypool Publishers.(专著)
2. 王建强,聂冰冰:王红 :汽车智能安全,人民交通出版社,2022(学术专著)
3. Wang, Hong., Huang, Y., He, H., Lv, C., Liu W. (2017), & Khajepour, A., "Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles" as a chapter in the book "Modelling, Dynamics and Control of Electrified Vehicles", by Zhang, H., Cao, D., Du, H., Elsevier. (专著)
4. Jie Ji, Hong Wang, Yue Ren. Path planning and tracking for vehicle collision avoidance in lateral collision avoidance in lateral and longitudinal motion directions. Morgan& Claypool Publishers. 2018(专著)
1. 杨殿阁,黄晋,江昆,李升波,王红,许庆,杨蒙蒙,于伟光,高博麟. 汽车自动驾驶[M]. 清华大学出版社,2021.