汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室 主任
清华大学智能网联车辆与交通研究中心 主任
电 话:(86-10)62788774
传 真:(86-10)62772185
他是我国汽车智能化领域的主要领军学者,是“智能网联汽车”这一术语及其技术中国方案的提出者与推动者,是国家重大产业化项目的技术总负责人。担任国家工信部智能网联汽车推进专家组组长、《Journal of Intelligent & Connected Vehicles》和《汽车安全与节能学报》的主编。作为专家组组长编写了国家部委发布的《智能汽车创新发展战略》《智能网联汽车技术路线图》等重要报告。培养博士后和博士生60余人,其中7人次获长江学者、杰青等国家高层次人才项目支持。
1980-1985 清华大学汽车工程系 工学学士
1985-1988 重庆大学汽车工程系 工学硕士
1991-1995 重庆大学汽车工程系 工学博士
1988.04-1992.01 重庆大学汽车工程系,讲师
1992.01-1994.01 日本五十铃汽车公司车身技术中心,客座研究员
1994.01-1997.10 重庆大学汽车工程系,副教授 、教授
1997.10-1998.10 日本东京农工大学车辆动力学与控制研究室,访问学者
1998.11-2000.11 日本国立交通安全与环境研究所,STA/JSPS Fellow研究员
2003.10-2004.01 德国亚琛工业大学汽车研究所,访问教授
2007.02-2007.05 日本东京大学生产技术研究所,客员教授
2007.06-2016.07 清华大学汽车工程系,系主任
2019.03-现在 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,主任
2000.12-现在 清华大学汽车工程系/车辆与运载学院,教授
1. 智能汽车与智能交通系统 主要研究包括:(1)现代控制理论与AI技术在智能汽车中的应用;(2)车辆行驶环境感知技术和方法;(3)智能车辆动力学系统建模与仿真技术;(4)智能汽车队列协同控制系统;(5)基于智能网联的车辆安全与节能控制;(6)智能网联汽车云控系统设计与控制。
2. 电动汽车(EV)整车动力学与控制 主要研究包括:(1)现代控制理论在
3.车辆噪声振动分析与控制 主要研究包括:(1)汽车车内噪声产生机理及降噪技术;(2)基于先进方法(声全息、声强、声固耦合实验模态分析)的车辆噪声振动分析与评价;(3)主动噪声与振动控制技术(主动控制悬架、电子消声器、车内噪声主动控制系统)。
(1) 国家重点研发计划项目“智能电动汽车的感知、决策与控制关键基础问题研究”
(2) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“智能汽车纵向动力学行为与协同控制方法”
(3) 国家973计划项目“高性能分布式驱动电动汽车关键基础问题研究”
(4) 国家863计划项目“基于车联网的汽车智能控制技术”
(5) 国际合作项目“车辆-电网智能交互系统研究与示范应用”
(6) 横向科研课题“汽车智能安全与节能电控系统产品应用开发”
1. 汽车理论 (本科生课程)
2. 车辆控制工程 (研究生课程)
已毕业研究生:博士 22 人,硕士 25人
在读硕士生: 5人
在读博士生: 13人(其中留学生1人)
1. 中国智能网联汽车产业创新联盟专家委员会主任
2. 国家智能网联汽车制造业创新中心首席科学家
3. 工信部车联网产业发展专项专家组组长
4. 北京市智能网联驾驶技术创新工程专家组组长
5. 中国汽车工程学会常务理事
6. International Journal of Intelligent & Connected Vehicles 主编
7. 汽车安全与节能学报 主编
1. 基于共用架构的汽车智能驾驶辅助系统关键技术及产业化,2018年国家科技进步奖二等奖
2. “基于行驶环境感知与控制协同的汽车智能安全新技术及应用”,2013年国家技术发明二等奖
3. “运动汽车噪声综合识别及控制技术”,2010年国家技术发明二等奖
4. “全国创新争先奖”,2017年
5. “智能网联汽车云控系统关键技术及应用”,2020年中国汽车工业科学技术进步特等奖。
6. “汽车智能安全系统新技术及工程应用”, 2012年教育部技术发明一等奖
7. “长安中混合动力轿车技术平台开发及产业化应用”,2010年中国汽车工业科技进步一等奖
8. “低噪声汽车理论、关键技术及工程应用”,2009年中国汽车工业科技进步一等奖
9. “混合动力电动汽车整车控制系统自主开发新技术及工程应用”,2008年教育部科技进步二等奖
10. “中国汽车工业优秀科技人才奖”,2005年度
11. “清华大学研究生良师益友奖”,2005、2010年度
在国内外发表论文260余篇,其中SCI/EI 检索 220余篇,部分论文如下:
1. Smoothing Traffic Flow via Control of Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, Vol.7, No.5
2. Coordinated formation control for intelligent and connected vehicles in multiple traffic scenarios. IET Intell. Transp. Syst. 2020: 1–15
3. Reducing time headway for platooning of connected vehicles via V2V communication. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 2019, Vol.102
4. Robust gain-scheduling automatic steering control of unmanned ground vehicles under velocity-varying motion. VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS, 2019, Vol.57, No.4
5. Robust Combined Lane Keeping and Direct Yaw Moment Control for Intelligent Electric Vehicles with Time Delay, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 2019, Vol.20, No.2
6. Cooperative Method of Traffic Signal Optimization and Speed Control of Connected Vehicles at Isolated Intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, Vol.20, No.4
7. Distributed Platoon Control Under Topologies with Complex Eigenvalues: Stability Analysis and Controller Synthesis. IEEE transactions on Control System Technology, 2019, Vol.27, No.1
8. Adaptive coordinated collision avoidance control of autonomous ground vehicles. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING, 2018, Vol.232, No.9
9. Optimal Design of Single-Mode Power-Split Hybrid Tracked Vehicles. OURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2018, Vol.140, No.7
10. Minimize the Fuel Consumption of Connected Vehicles Between Two Red-Signalized Intersections in Urban Traffic. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2018, Vol.67, No.10
11. Robust Longitudinal Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems-A Distributed H-Infinity Method. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, Vol.19, No.9
12. Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Fully Electric Vehicles Based on Preceding Vehicle Movement. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, Vol.18, No.11
13. Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons under Unidirectional Topologies. IEEE transactions on Control System Technology, 2017, Vol.25, No.3
14. Multiple model switching control of vehicle longitudinal acceleration for platoon-level automation. IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technology, 2016,Vol.65, No.6
15. Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on the Influence of Information Flow Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, Vol.17, No.1
16. Stability Margin Improvement of Vehicular Platoon Considering Undirected Topology and Asymmetric Control. IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology,2016, Vol.24, No.4
17. Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System with Lane-Change Assistance, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2015, Vol.16, No.5
18. Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Automated Car-following System without Reliance on Acceleration Information. Mechatronics,2015, Vol.30,
19. Mechanism of Vehicular periodic operation for optimal fuel economy in free-driving scenario. IET Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015, Vol.9, No.3
20. Optimum Tyre Force Distribution for Four-wheel-independent Drive Electric Vehicle with Active Front Steering, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2014, Vol.65, No.4
21. RFID-Based Vehicle Positioning and Its Applications in Connected Vehicles, 2014, Vol.14, No.3
22. An adaptive longitudinal driving assistance system based on driver characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013,Vol.13, No.1
23. Economy-oriented vehicle adaptive cruise control with coordinating multiple objectives function, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics,2013, Vol.51, No.1
24. Minimum fuel control strategy in automated car-following scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2012, Vol.61, No.3
25. Intelligent Environment-Friendly Vehicles: Concept and Case Studies, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012,Vol.13, No.1
26. A curving ACC system with coordination control of longitudinal car-following and lateral stability, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics,2012, Vol.50, No.7
27. Model Predictive Multi-Objective Vehicular Adaptive Cruise Control.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2011, Vol.19, No.3
28. Modeling and Verification of Heavy-duty Truck Driver’s Car-Following Charactersitics.International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2010, Vol.11, No.1
29. Driving Simulation Platform Applied to Develop Driving Assistance Systems.Journal of IET Intelligent Transportation System, 2010, Vol.4, No.2
30. Nonlinear decoupling control of heavy-duty truck stop and go cruise system, International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, 2009, Vol. 47, No.1
31. Modelling and simulation study on application of sliding-mode control for an active anti-roll system in a passenger car with air suspension, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2009, Vol. 49, No.4
32. Feedback linearization tracking control of vehicle longitudinal acceleration under low-speed conditions,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, 2008,Vol.130,No.5
33. Generation method for a two-dimensional random array for locating noise sources on moving vehicles, International Journal of Noise Control Engineering, 2008, Vol.202, No.17
34. Hierarchical switch control of longitudinal acceleration with large uncertainties, International Journal of Automotive Technology,2007,Vol.8,No.4
35. Study on Stop & Go cruise control of heavy-duty vehicles, Transactions of JSAE, Vol.37, No.2
36. Modeling and control of a nonlinear dynamic system for heavy-duty trucks, International Journal of Automobile Engineering,2006, Vol.220, Part D
37. Hierarchical switching control of multiple models based on robust control theory. ACTA Automatica Sinica,2006, Vol.32, No.3
38. Human-simulating vehicle steering control algorithm, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2006, Vol.19, No.2
39. An Empirical Model for Longitudinal Tire-Road Friction Estimation. SAE Special Publications, NO. 01-1082, 2004, USA.
40. Development of An Active Muffler for Medium-Duty Diesel Vehicles Considering Thermal Influence and Control Trackability. International Journal of Noise Control Engineering, 2003, Vol.51, No.2
41. Tire noise analysis during vehicle acceleration running with acoustical holography. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 2003, Vol.69, No. 4.
42. Development of the Adaptive Control Simulation System for Vehicle Exhaust Noise, International Journal of JSAE Review, 2001, Vol.22, No.2
专利 获得国内外发明专利70余项
1. 新型车辆自适应控制装置, 日本国发明专利 特许第3774752号
2. 车辆行驶控制装置, 日本国发明专利 特许第4814013号
3. 智能环境友好型汽车结构, 中国发明专利,ZL 200810223099.6
4. 一种车辆多目标协调式自适应巡航控制方法,
中国发明专利, ZL 200810224248.0
5. 一种汽车纵向加速度跟踪控制方法,
中国发明专利, ZL 200610089496.X
6. 一种电子节气门传动装置, 中国发明专利, ZL 200310103195.4
7. 车载扫描式激光雷达探测系统及其探测前方危险物的方法,
中国发明专利, ZL 200310117381.3
8. 货车弯道防侧翻动态检测方法及预警装置,
中国发明专利, ZL200910158546.9
9. 一种电动汽车电、液复合制动试验平台,
中国发明专利,ZL 200910092144.38.
10. 四轮驱动汽车的电控换档装置,中国发明专利,ZL 200410098693.9