1980-1985 清华大学汽车工程系 工学学士
1985-1988 清华大学汽车工程系 工学硕士
1995-1998 日本东京大学工学院 工学博士
1988-1992 清华大学汽车工程系助教/讲师
1993-1994 日本五十铃汽车公司客座研究员
1998-2001 日本马自达汽车公司研究员
2001-2005 日本国立交通安全环境研究所研究员
2006-2011 清华大学教授,清华大学汽车工程系副主任,汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室副主任
(1) 国家863技术课题:驾驶人安全状态检测及预警技术(2006-2008)
(2) 国家863计划课题:驾驶人状态及行为监测预警技术与装置(2008-2012)
(3) 国家自然科学基金:汽车驾驶员舒适位置优化及自适应调节方法研究(2009-2011)
(4) 丰田汽车公司:驾驶行为及交通事故分析 (2006-2008)
(5) 丰田汽车公司:事故前驾驶行为的研究(2009-2011)
(6) 丰田汽车公司:典型交通环境下的驾驶行为及驾驶辅助系统优化的研究(2012-至今)
(7) 通用汽车公司:驾驶舒适性优化调节方法的研究(2007-2010)
(8) 通用汽车公司:北京交通环境下安全预警系统的适应性研究(2011-2012)
[1] C. Y. Chen, B. Cheng, Z. G. Wang, D. W. Chen, X. Tao, J. M. Cavanaugh. Back Muscle Activity While Operating A Vehicle. Proceedings of the 34th FISITA World Automotive Congress,Beijing, 2012.
[2] X. Tao, C. Y. Chen, B. Cheng, J. M. Cavanaugh, Z. G. Wang, W. J. Wang. Characterization of Muscle Contraction Force, Electromyogram and Fatigue in Response to Electrical Stimuli. Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering Society 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA.
[3] C. Y. Chen, B. Cheng, C. H.Huang, B. H.Jiang, X. Tao. Finite Element Analysis of Cervical Spinal Nerve Tissue Tolerance to Whiplash Injury - A Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the 34th FISITA World Automotive Congress,Beijing, 2012.
[4] Z. G. Li, J. W. Hu, M. P. Reed, J. D. Rupp, C. N. Hoff, J. H. Zhang, B. Cheng. Development, Validation, and Application of a Parametric Pediatric Head Finite Element Model for Impact Simulations.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol.41, no.1, 2013, pp.215-220. (SCI,EI)
[5] B. Wang, X.P.Jin, B.Cheng. Lion Pride Optimizer: An Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Lion Pride Behavior, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol.55, no.10, 2012,pp.2369-2389. (SCI)
[6] G. Q. Lu, B. Cheng, Q. F. Lin, Y. P. Wang. Quantitative indicator of homeostatic risk perception in car following. Safety Science, vol.50, no.9, 2012, pp.1898-1905. (SCI,EI)
[7] 王波, 金晓萍, 成波. 腰靠在驾驶员脊柱上最佳支撑的研究.汽车工程, vol.34, no.12,2012, pp.1081-1084, 1118. (EI)
[8] 张伟, 成波, 张波.驾驶人眼睛定位与跟踪算法的研究. 汽车工程, vol.34, no.10, 2012, pp.889-893. (EI)
[9] 张伟, 成波, 张波. 驾驶人眼睛区域的鲁棒性定位算法研究. 物理学报, vol.61, no.6, 2012, 060701. (SCI)
[10] 金晓萍, 袁向科, 王波, 陶鑫, 成波, 等.汽车泡沫坐垫舒适性的客观评价方法, 汽车工程, vol.34, no.6, 2012,pp.551-555 (EI)
[11] H. Cai, Y. Z. Lin, B. Cheng. Coordinating Multi-Level Cognitive Assistance and Incorporating Dynamic Confidence Information in Driver-Vehicle Interfaces. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. 22, no.5, 2012, pp.437-449. (SCI)
[12] B. Cheng, W. Zhang, Y. Z. Lin. Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Multisource Information. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. 22, no.5, 2012, pp.450-467. (SCI)
[13] 李家文,成波. 驾驶员疲劳状态适应式复合预警方法的研究, 汽车工程, vol.34, no.3, 2012, pp.211-216. (EI)
[14] 张非若, 王生, 王波, 陶鑫, 何丽华, 成波, 低负荷作业水平颈肩肌肉骨骼疾患的肌电信号特征研究, 中国生物医学工程学报, vol.31, no.3,2012, pp.359-364, (核心)
[15] 林庆峰,成波,屈肖蕾,张波,徐少兵. 基于驾驶员制动操作行为的车辆追尾预警算法, 汽车工程,vol.34, no.3,2012, pp.232-234, (EI)
[16] 林庆峰, 成波, 徐少兵, 李升波. 基于Logistic回归的危险认知模型与避撞时间模型的对比.中国公路学报, vol. 25, no.6, 2012, pp.1-8. (EI)
[17] X. Tao, B. Cheng, B. Wang, et al.SEMG Based Recognition for lumbar muscle fatigue during prolonged driving, FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Beijing, 2012.
[18] G. F. Li, W. J. Wang, B. Cheng, Q. F. Lin, Analysis on the Effectiveness of Emergency Stop Signals by Driving Simulator, Proceeding of 2012 JSAE Annual Congress (Autumn), No.97-12, pp.19-22.
[19] B. Zhang, S. B. Li, B. Cheng. Real-time Detection of Hand-holding Phone Calling Behavior Based on Machine Vision Technique. Proc. of AVEC 2012, Seoul, South Korea, September 2012.
[20] B. Cheng, Q.F. Lin, G.F. Li, X. Du, S. Kuzumaki. Evaluation Method for Driver Risk Perception Models in Car-Following Situations. Proceedings of 2011 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), 2011, Yokohama, Japan.
[21] B. Wang, X.P.Jin, B.Cheng.Assessment of Driver Movements during Prolonged Driving Using Seat Pressure Measurements. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting, 2011, pp.1568-1572. (EI)
[22] 李家文,成波. 驾驶人状态适应式疲劳预警方法的研究, 汽车工程, vol.33, no.8,2011, pp.694-700. (EI)
[23] 林庆峰,成波. 基于Logistic回归的驾驶人跟车危险认知模型. 中国公路学报, vol.24, no.6, 2011, pp.103-108.(EI)
[24] X. P. Jin,B. Cheng,B. Wang,X. Tao, B. Shen. Evaluation and prediction of driver comfort using body pressure sensors. Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2011, vol.2, 2011, pp.72-75. (EI)
[25] Q. F. Lin, B. Cheng, G. Q. Lu. Analysis of characteristics of vehicle-bicycle/pedestrian conflicts using video drive recorder. Advanced Materials Research, vol.243-249, 2011, pp.4413-4417. (EI)
[26] B. Wang,X. P. Jin, B. Cheng,Z. S. Fang. Optimal Lumbar Support Prediction Using Interface Pressure. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, 2011, pp.2433-2436. (EI)
[27] H. Cai, Y. Z. Lin, B. Cheng. Mimicking human driving behaviour for realistic simulation of traffic flow. International Journal of Simulation & Process Modelling, vol.6, no.2, 2010, pp.126-136.(EI)
[28] 张希波,成波,冯睿嘉. 基于方向盘操作的驾驶人疲劳状态实时检测方法. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), vol.50, no.7, 2010, 1072-6, 1081.(EI)
[29] 姜国峰,成波,金哲,陈劭. 燃料电池客车氢系统碰撞安全性仿真分析与评价. 汽车工程, vol.32, no.9, 2010, pp.774-777, 802. (EI)
[30] 马添翼, 成波. 基于面部表情特征的驾驶员疲劳状态识别. 汽车安全与节能学报, vol.1, no.3, 2010, pp.200-204.
[31] 成波, 冯睿嘉, 张伟, 李家文, 张希波. 基于多源信息融合的驾驶人疲劳状态监测及预警方法研究. 公路交通科技, vol.26, no.S1, 2009, pp.13-18. (核心)
[32] R. J. Feng, G. Y. Zhang, B. Cheng. An on-board system for detecting driver drowsiness based on multi-sensor data fusion using dempster-shafer theory. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2009, pp.897-902. (EI)
[33] 金哲, 成波, 金晓萍, 沈斌, Javier Alcazar. 汽车驾驶舒适性评价平台的研制. 中国机械工程, vol.20, no.17, 2009, pp.2132-2136. (核心)
[34] 成波,孟传,张伟. 基于机器视觉的驾驶员注意力状态监测技术研究. 汽车工程, vol.31 no.12, 2009, pp.1137-1140. (核心)
[35] 成波,张广渊,冯睿嘉,李家文,张希波.基于眼睛状态识别的驾驶员疲劳实时监测. 汽车工程, vol.30, no.11, 2008, pp.1001-1005.(核心)
[36] G.Y. Zhang, B. Cheng, R.J. Feng, X.B. Zhang, A Real-Time Adaptive Learning Method for Driver Eye Detection, Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, 2008.(EI)
[37] G. Y. Zhang, B. Cheng, R. J. Feng, J. W. Li. Real-time driver eye detection method using Support Vector Machine with Hu invariant moments. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC, vol.5, 2008, pp.2999-3004. (EI)
[38] G. Y. Zhang, B. Cheng, Z. Jin, J. W. Li.A real-time eye detection system based on the active IR illumination. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2008, pp. 1255-1260. (EI)
[39] J. Zhang,Z. X. Zhu,Z. H. Song, E. R. Mao,B. Cheng. Experimental research on dB river fatigue based on SOFM. Proceedings - 2008 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, IITA 2008, vol.3, pp.800-804. (SCI, EI)
[40] Q.F. Lin, R.J. Feng and B. Cheng, etc., Analysis of Causes of Rear-end Conflicts Using Naturalistic Driving Data Collected by Video Drive Recorders, SAE 2008 World Congress, Detroit, USA, 2008.
[41] G.Y. Zhang, B. Cheng, R.J. Feng, Real-time Driver Eye Detection Method using Support Vector Matching with Hu's Moment Invariants, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008.
[42] 赖俊科,成波, 林庆峰等, 图像式汽车行驶记录仪在交通冲突成因分析中的应用, 中国农业大学学报, vol.13, no.5, 2008, pp.97-102.(核心)
[43] 张广渊, 成波, 金哲, 李家文. 基于主动红外照明的实时人眼定位装置的开发, 中国控制与决策会议(CCDC), 2008.
[44] G.Q. Lu, B. Cheng, Q.F. Lin, The Relationship Between Accidents and Conflicts Recorded by Drive Recorders, FISITA 2008 World Automotive Congress, Munich, Germany, 2008.(EI)
[45] Q.F. Lin, B. Cheng, J.K Lai, A New Method for Analysis of Traffic Conflict by Using Video Driver Recorders, Proceedings of 14th World Congress on ITS, Beijing, 2007.
[46] B. Cheng, T. Taniguchi, etc., Characteristics of Driver Behaviors in Car Following, JSAE Review, Vol.26, No.2, 2005, pp.131-138. (EI)
[47] B. Cheng, T. Taniguchi, etc., Research on Brake Assistance in Emergency Situation, Transactions of JSAE, Vol.36, No.2, 2005, pp.155-160.
[48] B. Cheng, Driver Behavior of Headway Setting in Car Following, Journal of JSAE, Vol.57, No.12, 2003, pp.4-9.
[49] B. Cheng, T. Taniguchi, etc., Driver Behaviors of Headway Setting from the Viewpoint of Driving Motivation, Transactions of JSAE, Vol.36, No.1, 2005, pp.247-252.
[50] B. Cheng, T. Taniguchi, etc., Study on the Characteristics of Driver Behaviors in Car Following, Transactions of JSAE, Vol.35, No.4 , 2004, pp.171-177.
[51] B. Cheng, M. Hashimoto, T. Suetomi, Analysis of driver response to collision warning during car following, JSAE Review, Vol.23, No.2, 2002, pp.231-237.(EI)
[52] T. Suetomi, B. Cheng, M. Hashimoto, Driver Behavior Study in Collision Warnings Using Driving Simulator, Technical Review of Mazda, No.19, 2001, pp.1-6.
[53] B. Cheng, T. Fujioka, Research on Driver Model for Merging Maneuver using Fuzzy Control, Transaction of JSME, Vol.64, No.628, 1998, pp.4745-4750.
[54] B. Cheng, T. Fujioka, Driver Model of Rule-based Behavior by Fuzzy Logical, IATSS Review, Vol.24, No.2, 1998, pp.23-30.
[55] B. Cheng, T. Fujioka, A Hieratical Driver Model, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation System 1997, 1997, Boston, USA.
[56] B.Cheng, M. Yanagizawa, T. Shimayama, Analysis and Optimization on Bus Handling and Stability by Numerical Simulation, IPC-8, No.9530887, 1995, pp.7-12.
[1] 成波,屈肖蕾, 张波, 王文军, 徐少兵. 一种驾驶员行车中手持电话违规行为检测方法, 2012.
[2] 成波,王珂,李家文.一种基于面部视频分析的驾驶人疲劳检测方法, 2011.
[3] 成波, 王波, 陶鑫, 张非若, 金晓萍, 具有两自由度的智能型汽车腰靠按摩系统, 2011.
[4] 张帆, 罗鑫, 夏勇, 周青, 成波, 姬佩君. 具有可逆预警功能的汽车座椅安全带系统, 2011.
[5] 张帆, 罗鑫, 夏勇, 周青, 成波, 姬佩君. 一种具有可逆预警功能的汽车座椅安全带系统, 2011.
[6] 金哲, 成波, 姚伟, 姜国峰. 氢气浓度稀释装置的故障诊断系统, 2008.
[7] 金哲, 成波, 姚伟, 林长春, 李希浩. 燃料电池客车供氢系统安全性检测试验装置及其检测方法, 2008.
[8] 李家文, 成波. 一种利用安全带对驾驶员的疲劳状态进行报警的装置, 2009.
[9] 成波, 李家文, 张广渊, 康若谷, 张维, 冯睿嘉, 一种用于对驾驶员疲劳和注意力分散状态进行报警的装置, 2009.
[10] 成波, 张伟, 一种防止眼镜反光的机器视觉照明系统, 2009.
[11] 成波, 张伟. 一种机器视觉照明系统, 2009.