1985年 北京大学, 学士,力学专业
1988年 北京大学,硕士,固体力学专业
1994年 麻省理工学院(MIT),博士,应用力学专业
1994-1999年,美国通用汽车公司研发中心,Senior Research Engineer,Staff Research Engineer
1999-2003年,美国联邦政府交通部Volpe中心,Technical Specialist
2003年-至今, 清华大学汽车工程系,教授(清华大学“百人计划”引进)
International Journal of Impact Engineering (IJIE), Associate Editor
International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI), Council Member
美国汽车工程师学会(SAE International)会员
1. Zhu JE, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Wierzbicki T. A Rate-Dependent Model
for Metals Based on a Master Curve of Normalized Hardening Behavior of DP
Steels. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 2016, 2(2): 1-11.
2. Jiang
XQ, Luo HL, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Mechanical Behavior of Lithium-Ion Battery Component
Materials and Error Sources Analysis for Test Results. SAE International Journal
of Materials and Manufacturing, 2016, 9(3):614-621.
3. Tang JS, Zhou Q, Nie
BB, Kitagawa Y. Influence of Pre-impact Pedestrian Posture on Lower Extremity
Kinematics in Vehicle Collisions. SAE International Journal of Transportation
Safety, 2016, 4(2): 278-288.
4. Meng Y, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Lin ST. Identification
of True Stress-Strain Curve of Thermoplastic Polymers under Biaxial Tension. SAE
International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 2016,
5. Xia Y, Zhu JE, Wang K, Zhou Q. Design and Verification of a
Strain Gauge Based Load Sensor for Medium-speed Dynamic Tests with a Hydraulic
Test Machine. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, Vol. 88:
6. Huang Y, Zhou Q, Zhang XW, Wang C. Optimization Study of Occupant
Restraint System Concerning Variations in Occupant Size and Crash Severity in
Frontal Collisions. International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 4: 299-313,
7. Ji PJ, Zhou Q. Influence of School Bus Seat Spacing on Crash
Protection of Six-year Olds. International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2015,
8. Xia Y, Zhu JE, Zhou Q. Verification of a Multiple-machine
Program for Material Testing from Quasi-static to High Strain-rate.
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2015, Vol. 86: 284-294.
9. Yao
L, Xia Y, Zhou Q. A Study on Hygrothermal Degradation and Recovery of an Epoxy
Adhesive Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Adhesion Science and
Technology, 2015, Vol. 29: 753-766.
10. Zhang F, Yang X, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Wang
HP, Yu TX. Experimental Study of Strain Rate Effects on the Strength of
Adhesively Bonded Joints After Hygrothermal Exposure. International Journal of
Adhesion & Adhesives, 2015, Vol. 56: 3–12.
11. Zhu JE, Xia Y, Luo HL, Gu
GY, Zhou Q. Influence of Flow Rule and Calibration Approach on Plasticity
Characterization of Dp780 Steel Sheets Using Hill48 Model. International Journal
of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 89:148-157.
12. Nie BB, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Huang J,
Deng B, Neal M. A Response-surface-based Tool for Vehicle Front-end Design for
Pedestrian Impact Protection Using Human Body Model. International Journal of
Vehicle Design, 2014, 66: 347-362.
13. Yang X, Yao L, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Effect
of Base Steels on Mechanical Behavior of Adhesive Joints with Dissimilar Steel
Substrates. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2014,
14. Zhou Q, Wu XY, Xia Y, Cai W. Spot Weld Layout Optimization of
Tube Crash Performance with Manufacturing Constraints. Journal of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, 2014, February, Vol. 136.
15. Nie BB, Zhou Q, Xia Y,
Tang JS. Influence of Feature Lines of Vehicle Hood Styling on Headform
Kinematics and Injury Evaluation in Car-to-pedestrian Impact Simulations. SAE
International Journal of Transportation Safety, 2014, 2:182-189.
16. Hong W,
Fan HL, Xia Z, Jin F, Zhou Q, Fang D. Axial Crushing Behaviors of Multi-cell
Tubes with Triangular Lattices, International Journal of Impact Engineering,
2014, 63:106-117.
17. Zhang F, Wang HP, Hicks C, Yang X, Carlson BE, Zhou Q.
Experimental Study of Initial Strengths and Hygrothermal Degradation of Adhesive
Joints between Thin Aluminum and Steel Substrates. International Journal of
Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 43:14-25.
18. Zhang F, Yang X, Wang HP, Zhang
XW, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Durability of Adhesively-bonded Single Lap–shear Joints in
Accelerated Hygrothermal Exposure for Automotive Applications. International
Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2013, 44:130-137.
19. Nie BB, Xia Y, Zhou
Q, Huang J, Deng B, Neal M. Response Surface Generation for Kinematics and
Injury Prediction in Pedestrian Impact Simulations. SAE International Journal of
Transportation Safety, 1(2): 286-296. DOI:10.4271/2013-01-0216
20. Huang J,
Xia Y, Nie BB, Zhou Q. A Bumper Model with Dynamic Contact Stiffness for
Pedestrian Legform Impact Simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2013,227(6):
21. Lai XH, Ma CS, Hu JW, Zhou Q. Impact Direction Effect on
Serious-to-fatal Injuries Among Drivers in Near-side Collisions According to
Impact Location: Focus on Thoracic Injuries. Accident Analysis and Prevention,
2012, 48:442-450.
22. Yang X, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Wang PC, Wang K. Modeling of
High Strength Steel Joints Bonded with Toughened Adhesive for Vehicle Crash
Simulations. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2012,
23. Gu GY, Lin ST, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Experimental Study on Influence
of Section Thickness on Mechanical Behavior. Materials and Design, 2012, 38:
24. Lai XH, Xia Y, Wu XY, Zhou Q. An Experimental Method for
Characterizing Friction Properties of Sheet Metal Under High Contact Pressure.
Wear, 2012, 289:82–94.
25. Gu GY, Xia Y, Zhou Q. On the Fracture Possibility
of Thin-Walled Tubes under Axial Crushing. Thin-Walled Structure, 2012,
26. Wu XY, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Influence of Flange Location on Axial
Deformation Stability of Double-Hat Structure. Journal of Beijing Institute of
Technology, 2012, 21(1):41-49.
27. Nie BB, Huang J, Xia Y, Zhou Q.
Influencing Factors of Contact Force Distribution in Pedestrian Upper Legform
Impact with Vehicle Front-End. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars -
Mechanical Systems 5(1): 231-241, doi:10.4271/2012-01-0272.
28. Huang J, Xia
Y, Nie BB, Zhou Q. Estimation of Energy-Absorption Space for Pedestrian Leg
Protection of Car Font-End Structures. International Journal of Vehicle Design,
2012, 60(1/2): 20-38.
29. Yang X, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Influence of Stress
Softening on Energy-absorption Capability of Polymeric Foams. Materials and
Design. 2011, 32(3):1167-1176.
30. Luo M, Zhou Q. A Vehicle Seat Design
Concept for Reducing Whiplash Injury Risk in Low-speed Rear Impact.
International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2011, 15:293-311.
31. Yang X, Xia
Y, Zhou Q. A Simplified Fe Model for Pull-out Failure of Spot Welds. Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 2010, 77:1224-1239.
32. Tang L, Wang YB, Zhou Q. The
Effect of Constrained Hip-joint Design on Crash Dummy Responses. International
Journal of Crashworthiness. 2010, 15 (4):369-376.
33. Fan HL, Zhou Q, Yang W,
Zheng JJ. An Experiment Study on the Failure Mechanisms of Woven Textile
Sandwich Panels under Quasi-static Loading. Composites Part B: Engineering,
2010, 41(8):686-692.
34. Liu Q, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Friction Effects in Pedestrian
Headform Impacts with Engine Hoods. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2009, 14
(5): 631-638.
35. Xia Y, Zhou Q, Wang PC, Johnson NL, Gayden XQ and Fickes
JD. Development of High Efficiency Modeling Technique for Weld-bonded Steel
Joints in Vehicle Structures, Part I: Static Experiments and Simulations.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2009, 29: 414-426.
36. Xia
Y, Zhou Q, Wang PC, Johnson NL, Gayden XQ and Fickes JD. Development of High
Efficiency Modeling Technique for Weld-bonded Steel Joints in Vehicle
Structures, Part II: Dynamic Experiments and Simulations. International Journal
of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2009, 29: 427-433.
37. Xia Y, Yang X, Zhou Q.
Effect of Stress Softening in Bumper Foams on the Low Speed Impact Performance
of Vehicles. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 2009,
1(1): 548-553.
38. Yuan Q, Li YB, Zhou Q. Statistical Analysis of Pedestrian
– Vehicle Impact Characteristics of Passenger-car-to-pedestrian Accidents in
Beijing China. International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2007, 2(3):
39. Yu HL, Zhou Q, Neat GW. Three-dimensional Finite Element
Modeling of the Torso of the Anthropomorphic Test Device THOR. International
Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2007, 1(2):116-140.
40. Zhang F, Wang DZ, Zhou Q,
Zhang JH, Wang CB, Zhang Y, Bai SF, Liang YP. Finite Element Modeling of Impact
Between Bus and Roadside Guardrail. Journal of Hunan University, 2006,
41. Tang L, Luo M, Zhou Q. Optimization of a Child Restraint
System by Using a Particle Swarm Algorithm. Computational Intelligence and
Bioinformatics, 2006, 4115:137-144.
42. Mayer R, Webb S, Wang JT, Liu B, and
Zhou Q. Sled Tests and Simulations of Offset Deformable Barrier. International
Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2005, 1: 238-251.
43. Zhou Q, Yu TX. Use
High-Efficiency Energy Absorbing Device to Arrest Progressive Collapse of Tall
Building. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE Transaction, 2004,
44. Yu HL, Medri MB, Zhou Q, DiMasi FP, Bandak FA. Head–neck
Finite Element Model of the Crash Test Dummy THOR. International Journal of
Crashworthiness, 2004, 9:175-186.
45. Zhou Q, Mayer R. Characterization of
Aluminum Honeycomb Material Failure in Large Deformation Compression, Shear, and
Tearing. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the
ASME, 2002, 124: 412-420.
46. Zhou Q, Wierzbicki T. An Incremental Analysis
of Plane Strain Fully Plastic Crack Growth in Strain-hardening Materials Under
Extension. International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 79:27-48.
47. Zhou Q,
Wierzbicki T. A Tension Zone Model of Blanking and Tearing of Ductile Metal
Plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1996,
48. McClintock FA, Zhou Q, Wierzbicki T. Necking in Plane Strain
Under Bending With Constant Tension. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids, 1993, 41:1327-1343.
49. Zhou Q, Zhang TG, Yu TX. A Note on
Determining the Initial Velocity of a Modal Field. Journal of Applied Mechanics,
1992, 59:677-679.
50. Zhou Q, Yu TX. Lee's Extremum Principle and the Large
Deflection Response of Dynamically Loaded Plastic Structures. Acta Mechanica
Solida Sinica, 1991, 4:369-379.
51. Zhou Q, Yu TX, Huang ZP. The Large
Deflection of a Rigid-perfectly Plasticity Portal Frame Subjected to Impulsive
Loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1990,
52. Yu TX, Zhang DJ, Zhang Y, Zhou Q. A Study of the
Quasi-static Tearing of Thin Metal Sheets. International Journal of Mechanical
Sciences, 1988, 30:193-202.
53. Zhou Q, Wang MZ. A Discussion on Representing
General Solution of Equations in Theory of Elasticity by Harmonic Functions.
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1987, 8:1099-1101.
1. Ji PJ, Zhou Q. Preliminary Study of Uniform Restraint Concept
for Protection at Wider Range of Impact Severity. SAE 2016-01-1528, 2016 SAE
Congress, Detroit, USA.
2. Li W, Zhu JE, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Testing and Modeling
the Effect of Strain-rate on Plastic Anisotropy for a Traditional High Strength
Steel. ASME 2015, IMECE2015-53270, Houston, Texas, USA. November 2015.
3. Luo HL, Jiang XQ, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Fracture Mode Analysis of Lithium-ion
Battery Under Mechanical Loading. ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition, IMECE2015-52595, Houston, Texas, USA.
4. Zhang SA,
Zhou Q, Xia Y. Influence of Wheels on Frontal Crash Response of Small
Lightweight Electric Vehicle. ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition, IMECE2015-50699, Houston, Texas, USA.
5. Zhang SA,
Zhou Q, Xia Y. Influence of Mass Distribution of Battery and Occupant on Crash
Response of Small Lightweight Electric Vehicle. SAE 2015-01-0575, 2015 SAE
Congress, Detroit, USA.
6. Zhu JE, Xia Y, Gu GY, Zhou Q. Extension of
Non-associated Hill48 Model for Characterizing Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of a
Typical High-strength Steel Sheet. ASME 2014, IMECE 2014-36985, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. 2014.
7. Zeng L, Xia Y, Zhao H, Zhou Q. On Utilization of
Material Failure Criterion in Modeling Pull-out Failure of Spot-welded Joints.
ASME 2013, IMECE 2013-62536, San Diego, California, USA. 2013.
8. Gu GY, Lin
ST, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Lin CH. Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of
Thermoplastics with Local Deformation Measurement. SAE 2012-01-0040, 2012 SAE
Congress, Detroit, USA. 2012 SAE Transactions.
9. Nie BB, Huang J, Xia Y,
Zhou Q. Influencing Factors of Contact Force Distribution in Pedestrian Upper
Legform Impact with Vehicle Front-End. SAE 2012-01-0272, 2012 SAE Congress,
Detroit, USA. 2012 SAE Transactions.
10. Gu GY, Lin ST, Meng Y, Xia Y, Zhou
Q. Influence of Strain Rate and Stress State on the Mechanical Behavior of
Die-Casting AM60 Magnesium Alloy. ASME 2011, IMECE 2011-65196, Denver, Colorado,
USA. November 2011.
11. Zhang F, Wang HP, Hicks C, Carlson BE, Yang X, Zhou
Q. Effect of Prelube, Surface Coating and Substrate Materials on Initial
Strength of Adhesive Joints between Al Alloy and Steels, ASME 2011, IMECE
2011-62577, Denver, Colorado, USA. November 2011.
12. Huang J, Nie BB, Zeng
L, Xia Y, Zhou Q. Development of a Legform Impactor with 4-DOF Knee-Joint for
Pedestrian Safety Assessment in Omni-Direction Impacts. SAE 2011-01-0085, 2011
SAE Congress, Detroit, USA.
13. Nie BB, Xia Y, Huang J, Zhou Q. A Simplified
Model of Pedestrian Upper Legform Impact for Estimate of Energy-Absorption Space
underneath Bonnet Lead. ESV 2011, Paper Number 11-0014, Washington, DC. USA.
14. Lai XH, Wang YN, Zhou Q, Lin Z, Culiere P. Development of a Finite
Element PAM-CRASH Model of Hybrid III Anthropomorphic Test Device with High
Fidelity, ESV 2011, Paper Number 11-0031, Washington, DC. USA. 2011.
15. Wu
XY, Xia Y, Zhou Q, Cai W, Tilove RB. Spot Weld Layout Optimization with
Manufacturing Constraints for Vehicle Structural Performance. ASME 2010,
IMECE2010-40376, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. November 2010.
16. Lai
XH, Zhou Q. Study of Pre-Stress Effect of Ribcage Structure on Chest Response of
Crash Dummy Model. ASME 2010, IMECE2010-37982, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. November 2010.
17. Tang L and Zhou Q. A Theoretical Study of
Submarining Tendency of a Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Dummy. ASME 2009,
IMECE2009-12567. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. November 2009.
18. Liu Q,
Xia Y, Zhou Q, Wang JT. Design Analysis of a Sandwich Hood Structure for
Pedestrian Protection. 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced
Safety of Vehicles. Paper Number 09-0356-W. Stuttgart, Germany. 15-18 June
19. Wang C, Zhou Q. Concept Study of Adaptive Seatbelt Load Limiter
Using Magnetorheological Fluid. 21st International Technical Conference on the
Enhanced Safety of Vehicles. Paper Number 09-0081-W. Stuttgart, Germany. 15-18
June 2009.
20. Zhou Q, Quade M, Du H. Concept Design of a 4-DOF Pedestrian
Legform. The 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of
Vehicles (ESV), Lyon, France. June 18-21, 2007.
21. Wang J-T, Xia Y, Zhou Q,
Zhang J-H. Simulation of Spot Weld Pullout by Modeling Failure around Nugget.
SAE Paper No. 2006-01-0532, SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit,
USA. April 2006.
22. Wang JT, Zhou Q. A Seat Belt Buckle Pretensioner and
Load-Limiter Combo Device. 18th International Technical Conference on the
Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Paper No. 144, Nagoya, Japan. May 19-22,
23. Zhou Q, Yu HL, Medri MB, DiMasi F. Finite Element Model of Thor
Dummy Lower Leg. 2002 ASME Congress, IMECE2002-39171, New Orleans, Louisiana,
USA. November 2002.
24. Zhou Q, Thomas M, Stibich AM. An Analytical Study of
System Variables for Meeting FMVSS 201 Head Impact Requirements. 1998 ASME
Congress, Anaheim, California, USA. November 1998.
25. Zhou Q, Rouhana SW,
Melvin JW. Age Effects on Thoracic Injury Tolerance. Proceeding of 40th Stapp
Car Crash Conference, SAE 962421, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. November
1. 黄毅, 姬佩君, 马令晨, 周青. 台车试验碰撞波形离散性及其对儿童约束系统响应影响的研究. 汽车工程, 2016, 38:
2. 聂冰冰, 夏勇, 黄俊, 周青, 刘奇, 杜汉斌. 针对行人髋部碰撞保护的汽车前端造型与结构概念设计研究. 汽车工程, 2014,
36(03): 286-292.
3. 赖兴华, 徐辰, 马春生, 周青, 张金换. 具有多方向生物力学逼真特性的碰撞假人胸部集总参数建模. 清华大学学报
(自然科学版), 2014, (06): 750-755.
4. 聂冰冰, 夏勇, 黄俊, 周青, 刘奇, 杜汉斌.
针对行人髋部碰撞保护的汽车前端造型与结构概念设计研究. 汽车工程, 2014, (03): 286-292.
5. 夏勇, 古杰, 周青.
骑车人及行人与汽车碰撞中头部运动学对比与分析. 汽车安全与节能学报, 2014, (02): 159-165.
6. 赖兴华, 赵佳庆, 周青.
冲击载荷下Hybrid Ⅲ假人颈部应力与应变. 汽车安全与节能学报, 2014, (03): 244-251.
7. 唐亮, 吴滔滔, 周青, 邓滨.
儿童乘员的伤害指标及下潜趋势影响因素的研究. 华南理工大学学报. 2011, 40(7):46-50.
8. 黄俊, 夏勇, 周青.
基于汽车前端刚度分析的降低小腿加速度快速设计方法. 汽车工程,2012,(08):679-685+691.
9. 王元博, 夏勇, 景谊明, 黄俊,
周青, 张立玲, 叶子青, 林逸. 考虑行人腿部保护和低速碰撞特性的保险杠系统概念设计. 汽车工程, 2009,
10. 黄俊, 刘奇, 聂冰冰, 黄毅, 杜汇良, 夏勇, 周青. 基于EEVC要求的行人碰撞试验台的研制和评估.
汽车工程, 2008, 30(12):1056-1060.
11. 汪凯, 夏勇, 顾功尧, 王元博, 周青. 用于车身材料力学试验的非接触测量系统开发.
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13. 武雪原, 夏勇, 周青. 薄壁方管在冲击载荷下的应变及应变率特性. 汽车技术(增刊)2006, S1:19-21.
14. 罗萌, 唐亮, 杜汇良, 周青, 朱跃钢, 许勇锋. 儿童约束系统动态仿真研究及初步参数分析. 汽车技术(增刊).2006, S1:
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16. 林喆, 杜汇良, 周青. 追尾碰撞主动头枕的控制策略研究. 汽车技术(增刊). 2006, S1:52-54+88.
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1. 一种具有可逆预警功能的汽车座椅安全带系统. 专利号ZL 201120035350.8.
2. 用于追尾碰撞的颈部保护的平动吸能座椅. 专利号ZL 2010102000843.8.
3. 具有两种吸能模式的汽车保险杠. 专利号ZL
4. 一种基于压力与速度的碰撞感应方法. 专利号 ZL 200810007617.0.
5. 用于人体碰撞保护试验的多自由度假人膝关节模块. 专利号ZL 200610011609.4.
6. 具有行程放大功能的预紧式汽车座椅安全带系统. 专利号ZL 200510011907.9.
7. Vehicle hood
assembly. Patent Number 8,991,902.
8. Vehicle hood with sandwich inner
structure. Patent Number 7,735,908.
9. Energy absorbing vehicle hood
assembly with asymmetric sandwich inner structure. Patent Number
10. Automotive pretensioner seatbelt system. Patent Number
11. Vehicle hood assembly with rippled cushion support. Patent
Number 7,635,157.
12. Belt tension and energy absorbing apparatus. Patent
Number 6,076,856.