2007-2013 | 清华大学 | 机械工程 | 博士 |
2008-2009 | 德国亚琛工业大学 | 车辆工程 | 硕士 |
2003-2007 | 清华大学 | 车辆工程 | 学士 |
2019 至今 | 清华大学车辆学院 | 副教授、长聘副教授,博士生导师 |
2016-2019 | 清华大学车辆学院 | 助理教授,博士生导师 |
2013-2016 | 美国弗吉尼亚大学 | Research Associate |
2012 | 美国通用汽车公司国际研发中心 | Visiting Scholar |
Fundamentals of Automotive Crash Safety(研究生专业课,清华大学精品课程)
独立指导博士生、硕士生10余名,已毕业博士生2名、硕士生3名(截至2022.06);其中 3人获得国际学术会议最佳报告及学生论文奖,4人获得国家奖学金、清华大学综合一等奖学金,多人获得国际大学生类脑计算大赛预赛一等奖、学院优秀本科毕业论文、北京冬奥清华大学先进个人等荣誉。
期刊《Accident Analysis & Prevention》编委
2022 北京高校优质本科教案
2021 北京高校青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖,
2020 教育部首批国家级一流本科课程
2019 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目
2018 中国科协青年人才托举工程 2018-2020
2013 北京市优秀毕业生(2007,2013)
2011 清华大学优秀辅导员标兵
2007 清华大学优秀毕业生
2006 清华大学特等奖学金(在校学生最高荣誉)
围绕汽车智能安全开展基础与应用研究,近年主持及作为骨干参与研究项目 10余项,包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划及国际创新合作等;获得国际发明专利 2项;学术会议最佳论文及报告奖等 4次;部分成果应用于量产车型。
《汽车智能安全》, 2022, 人民交通出版社. 王建强, 聂冰冰, 王红.
部分期刊论文 (* correspondence)
37. Wang, Q., Zhou, Q., Lin, M., Nie, B. (*) (2022) Human Injury-based Safety Decision of Automated Vehicles, iScience, 2022, 25(8): 104703. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104703. (封面文章) (清华大学新闻网报道)
36. Gan, S., Pei, X., Ge, Y., Wang, Q., Shang, S., Li, S. B., Nie, B. (*) (2022) Multi-source Adaption for Driver Attention Prediction in Arbitrary Driving Scenes. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3177640.
35. Huang, Y. (*), Holcombe, S., Zhou, Q., Wang, S., Nie, B. (2022) A GAN Based Approach for Inferring Progression Trajectories of Costal Cartilage Calcification from Cross-sectional Data at Image Level. Computers in Biology and Medicine, , DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105647.
34. Nie, B. (*), Li, Q., Gan, S., Xing, B., Huang, Y., Li, S.E. (2021) Safety Envelope of Pedestrians Upon Motor Vehicle Conflicts Identified Via Active Avoidance Behaviour. Scientific Reports, 11, 3996. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82331-z.
33. Li, Q., Shang, S., Pei, X., Wang, Q., Zhou, Q., Nie, B. (*) (2021) Kinetic and Kinematic Features of Pedestrian Avoidance Behavior in Motor Vehicle Conflicts. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9:783003. DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.783003.
32. Wang, Q., Gan, S., Chen, W., Li, Q., Nie, B. (*) (2021) A Data-driven, Kinematic Feature-based, Near Real-time Algorithm Improving Injury Severity Prediction of Vehicle Occupants. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 156 (2021). DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2021.106149.
31. Nie, B., Gan, S., Chen, W., Zhou, Q. (*) (2020) Seating Preferences in Highly Automated Vehicles and Occupant Safety Awareness: A National Survey of Chinese Perceptions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(4):247-253. DOI:10.1080/15389588.2020.1738013.
30. Tang, J., Zhou, Q., Nie, B., Hu, J. (*) (2020) Obesity Effects on Pedestrian Lower Extremity Injuries in Vehicle-To-Pedestrian Impacts: A Numerical Investigation Using Human Body Models. Traffic Injury Prevention. DOI: doi.org/10.1080/15389588.2020.1821195.
29. Bance, I., Yang, S., Zhou, Q., Li, S.E., Nie, B. (*) (2020) A Framework for Rapid On-Board Deterministic Estimation of Occupant Injury Risk in Motor Vehicle Crashes with Quantitative Uncertainty Evaluation. Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63, DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s11431-019-1565-9.
28. Huang, Y., Zhou, Q., Koelper, C., Li, Q., Nie, B. (*) (2019). Are Riders of Electric Two-wheelers Safer than Bicyclists in Collisions with Motor Vehicles? Accident Analysis & Prevention. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2019.105336.
27. Liu, Y., Zhou, Q., Gan, S., Nie, B. (*) (2019) Influence of Population Variability in Ligament Material Properties on the Mechanical Behavior of Ankle: A Computational Investigation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23(9):1-11. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1699541.
26. Zhou, Q. (*), Xia, Y., Nie, B., Huang, Y., Lai, X. H. (2019) Challenging Topics in Research of Vehicle Crash Safety and Lightweighting (in Chinese). China Journal of Highway and Transport, 32(7): 1-14. DOI: 10.19721/j.cnki.1001-7372.2019.07.001.
25. Nie, B., Sathyanarayan, D., Ye, X., Crandall, J., Panzer, M. (*) (2018). Active Muscle Response Contributes to Increased Injury Risk of Lower Extremity in Occupant-Knee Airbag Interaction. Traffic Injury Prevention. 19(sup1): S76-S82. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2017.1349898.
24. Nie, B., Giudice, J. S., Poulard, D., Wu, T., Panzer, M. (*) (2018) Evaluation and Injury Investigation of A Finite Element Foot and Ankle Model for Small Female Occupants. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 24(5): 580-591. DOI: doi.org/10.1080/13588265.2018.1484576.
23. Mait, A. (*), Forman, J., Nie, B., Donlon, J. P., Mane, A., Forghani, A., Anderson, R., Cooper, M.T., Kent, R. (2018) Propagation of Syndesmotic Injuries During Forced External Rotation in Flexed Cadaveric Ankles. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 6(6): 2325967118781333.
22. Giudice, J. S. (*), Poulard, D., Nie, B., Wu, T., Panzer, M. B. (2018) A Cortical Thickness Mapping Method for the Coxal Bone Using Morphing. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Section Biomechanics 6(149).
21. Nie, B. (*), Forman, J., Panzer, M., Mait, A., Donlon, J., Kent, R. (2017) Fiber-based Modeling of in situ Ankle Ligaments With Consideration of Progressive Failure. Journal of Biomechanics, 61(2017): 102-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.07.005.
20. Nie, B. (*), Forman, J., Mait, A., Donlon, J., Panzer, M., Kent, R. (2017) Searching for the “Sweet Spot”: the Foot Rotation and Parallel Engagement of Ankle Ligaments in Maximizing Injury Tolerance. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16(6): 1937-1945. DOI: 10.1007/s10237-017-0929-z.
19. Nie, B. (*), Panzer, M., Mane, A., Mait, A., Donlon, J.P., Forman, J., Kent, R. (2017) Determination of the in situ Mechanical Behavior of Ankle Ligaments. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 65: 502-512. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.09.010.
18. Nie, B. (*), Crandall, J., Panzer, M. (2017) Computational Investigation of the Effects of Knee Airbag Design on the Interaction With Occupant Lower Extremity in Frontal and Oblique Impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(2): 207-215. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2016.1219728.
17. Nie, B. (*), Zhou, Q., Xia, Y. (2017) Multi-phase Impact Pulse and Structure Design for Pedestrian Headform Impact on Vehicle Hood. (in Chinese). Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy, 8(1): 65-71. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8484.2017.01.009.
16. Zhou, Q. (*), Ji, P., Huang, Y., Nie, B., Huang, Y. (2017) Challenges and Opportunities of Smart Occupant Protection Against Motor Vehicle Collision Accidents in Future Traffic Environment. (in Chinese). Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy, 8(4): 333-350. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8484.2017.04.002.
15. Nie, B. (*), Panzer, M., Mane, A., Mait, A., Donlon, J.P., Forman, J., Kent, R. (2016) A Framework for Parametric Modeling of Ankle Ligaments to Determine the in situ Response under Gross Foot Motion. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19(12):1254-1265. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2015.1125474.
14. Nie, B. (*), Forman, J., Joodaki, H., Wu, T., Kent, R. (2016) Scaling Approach in Predicting the Seatbelt Loading and Kinematics of Vulnerable Occupants: How Far Can We Go. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(sup1): 93-100, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2016.1189545.
13. Nie, B. (*), Poulard, D., Subit, D., Donlon, J.P., Forman, J., Kent, R. (2016) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Occupant Characteristics on Contemporary Seatbelt Payout Behavior in Frontal Impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(4): 374-380. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2015.1088944.
12. Nie, B., Kim, T. (*), Wang, Y., Bollapragada, V., Daniel, T., Crandall, J. (2016) Comparison of Two Scaling Approaches for the Development of Biomechanical Multi-body Human Models. Multibody System Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s11044-016-9502-2.
11. Nie, B. (*), Zhou, Q. (2016) Can New Passenger Cars Reduce Pedestrian Lower Extremity Injury? A Review of Geometrical Changes of Front-end Design Before and After Regulatory Efforts. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(7): 712-719. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2016.1143096.
10. Tang, J., Zhou, Q. (*), Nie, B., Yasuki, T., Kitagawa, Y. (2016) Influence of Pre-impact Pedestrian Posture on Lower Extremity Kinematics in Vehicle Collisions. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 4(2), DOI:10.4271/2016-01-1507.
9. Poulard, D. (*), Subit, D., Nie, B., Donlon, J. P., Kent, R. (2015) The Contribution of Pre-impact Posture on Restrained Occupant Finite Element Model Response in Frontal Impact. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(S2): 92-100. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2015.1064529.
8. Nie, B. (*), Xia, Y., Zhou, Q., Huang, J., Deng, B., Neal, M. (2014) A Response Surface based Tool for Vehicle Front-end Design for Pedestrian Impact Protection using Human Body Model. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 66(4): 347–362.
7. Nie, B. (*), Zhou, Q., Xia, Y., Tang, J. (2014) Influence of Feature Lines of Vehicle Hood Styling on Headform Kinematics and Injury Evaluation in Car-to-Pedestrian Impact Simulations. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety 2(1): 182-189.
6. Nie, B. (*), Xia, Y., Huang, J., Zhou, Q., Liu, Q., Du, H. (2014) Study of Vehicle Front-end Styling and Structure Concept Design on Pedestrian Upper Leg Impact Protection. (in Chinese) Automotive Engineering 36(3): 286-292.
5. Nie, B. (*), Xia, Y., Zhou, Q., Huang, J., Deng, B., Neal, M. (2013) Response Surface Generation for Kinematics and Injury Prediction in Pedestrian Impact Simulations. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 1(2): 286-296.
4. Huang, J. (*), Xia, Y., Nie, B., Zhou, Q. (2013) A Bumper Model with Dynamic Contact Stiffness for Pedestrian Legform Impact Simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 227(6): 1-9.
3. Nie, B. (*), Huang, J., Xia, Y., Zhou, Q. (2012) Influencing Factors of Contact Force Distribution in Pedestrian Upper Legform Impact with Vehicle Front-End. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems 5(1): 231-241.
2. Huang, J. (*), Xia, Y., Nie, B., Zhou, Q. (2012) Estimation of Energy-Absorption Space for Pedestrian Leg Protection of Car Font-End Structures. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 60(1/2): 20-38.
1. Huang, J. (*), Liu, Q., Nie, B., Huang, Y., Du, H., Xia, Y., Zhou, Q. (2008) Development and Evaluation of Pedestrian Impactor Launching Equipment Based on EEVC Requirements. (in Chinese) Automotive Engineering, 30(12): 1056-1060.
部分会议论文 (* correspondence)
41. Wang, Q., Xu, D., Shang, S., Nie, B. (*) An Adaptive Transferring Framework to Accelerate the Development of Occupant Injury Prediction Algorithms. IRCOBI Conference 2022,
40. Pei, X., Gan, S., Yang, S., Nie, B. (*) Development and Validation of an Active 50th Percentile Chinese Male Human Body Model. IRCOBI Conference 2021, Paper IRC-21-91.
39. Shang, S., Li, Q., Nie, B. (*), Li, G., Zhou, Q., Masson, C., Pierre-Jean, A., Py, M., Simms, C. A Preliminary Insight of Pedestrian Avoidance Behavior Effect on Pre-impact Pose. IRCOBI Conference 2021, Paper IRC-21-14.
38. Gan, S., Li, Q., Wang, Q., Chen, W., Qin, D., Nie, B. (*) Constructing Personalized Situation Awareness Dataset for Hazard Perception, Comprehension, Projection, and Action of Drivers. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), September 19-22, 2021, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
37. Gan, S., Li, Q., Wang, Q., Cui, T., Nie, B. (*) Capturing Driver Evasive Manoeuvres in Pre-crash Phases From Large-scale Real-world Critical Scene Videos. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2021, Paper IRC-A-21-16.
36. Wang, Q., Chen, W., Sun, Z., Lin, M., Zhou, Q., Nie, B. (*) A Safety-focused Vehicle Driving Strategy Towards Minimal Injury Severity In Imminent Collision Scenarios. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2021, Paper IRC-A-21-15.
35. Chen, W., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Zheng, H., Huang, Y., Zhou, Q., Nie, B. (*) A Generation Model of Vehicle Crash Pulse for Injury Severity Prediction Based on a Typical Sedan. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2021, Paper IRC-A-21-18.
34. Li, Q., Gan, S., Shang, S., Cui, T., Zhou, Q., Nie, B. (*) Whole-Body Motion Category in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes Identified via Volunteer Tests and Publicly Available Videos. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2021, Paper IRC-A-21-22.
33. Deng, G., Gan, S., Chen, W., Zhou, Q., Peng, Y., Cui, T., Nie, B. (*) The Effect of Muscle Activation Level on Occupant Neck Injury in Frontal Motor Vehicle Crashes. SAE Tech Paper (Ms. Number 20NETP-0150).
32. Yang, S., Zhou, Q., Yasuki, T., Yamamae, Y., Katsuhara, T., Nie, B. (*) A Look-up Diagram for Rapid Estimation of Occupant Injury Risk Applied to Frontal Motor Vehicle Crashes. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2020.
31. Li, Q., Zhou, Q., Chen, W., Deng, G., Wei, X., Zhang, F., Li, S.E., Nie, B. (*) In vivo Pedestrian Behaviour upon Motor Vehicle Conflicts: Experimental Framework and Initial Results. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2020, Paper IRC-A-20-28.
30. Chen, W., Zhou, Q., Gan, S., Nie, B. (*) Generating a Large-scale Numerical Database of Motor Vehicle Crashes for Rapid Injury Severity Prediction. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2020, Paper IRC-A-20-16.
29. Huang, Y., Zhou, Q., Wang, S., Nie, B., Holcombe, S. (*) (2020) Individual Representation of Costal Cartilage Calcification in Finite-Element Human Body Models. IRCOBI Asia Conference 2020, Paper IRC-A-20-22, Beijing, China.
28. Yang, S., Zhou, Q., Yasuki, T., Yamamae, Y., Katsuhara, T., Nie, B. (*) Multi-level Reconstruction of Motor Vehicle Crash Identifies Real-world Injury Mechanism: an Example of Occupant Lumbar Spine Fracture. The 20 COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2020).
27. Bance, I., Nie, B. (*) (2019) A Framework for Near Real-Time Occupant Injury Risk Prediction using a Sequence-to-Sequence Deep Learning Approach. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Florence, Italy.
26. Huang, Y., Zhou, Q., Wang, S., Nie, B., Holcombe, S. (*) (2019) An Anatomic Indexing System for Costal Cartilage Calcification and Its Application in Finite-Element Human Body Models. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Paper IRC-19-32, Florence, Italy.
25. Huang, Y., Zhou, Q., Tang, J., Nie, B. (*) (2018). A Preliminary Comparative Study on Rider Kinematics and Injury Mechanism in Car-two-wheelers Collisions. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Athens, Greece.
24. Xin, L., Li, S. E. (*), Wang, P., Wang, Y., Nie, B., Chan, C-Y., Cheng, B. Accelerated Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Randomly Pre-sampled Policies for Autonomous Driving Reward Design. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC19), October 27-30, 2019, in Auckland, New Zealand.
23. Nie, B., Koelper C., Huang, Y., Zhou, Q. (*) (2018) Computational Investigation on Rider Kinematics of Electric Two-wheel Vehicles in Collision with Car, IRCOBI Asia Conference 2018, India.
22. Huang, Y. (*), Zhou, Q., Ji, P., Nie, B. (2018) Using Adaptive Shoulder Bolster and Knee Bolster to Achieve Protection Effect Comparable to Seatbelt and Airbag, SAE World Congress. Technical Paper 2018-01-1170, Detroit, US. DOI: 10.4271/2018-01-1170.
21. Nie, B. (*), Forman, J., Mait, A., Donlon, J.P., Kent, R. (2017) Foot Position Shifts Injury Initiation among Ankle Ligaments during External Rotation. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.
20. Nie, B. (*), Kerrigan, J., Hurwitz, S., Forman, J., Kent, R. (2017) Toward A Better Understanding of High Ankle Sprains in Athletes: Injury Pattern, Sequence and Tolerance in Combined Flexion and External Rotation. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2017 Annual Meeting. San Diego, California, March 19-22.
19. Nie, B. (*), Zhou, Q., Tang, J. (2016) Benefit in Reducing Pedestrian Lower Extremity Injury from Geometrical Changes of New Passenger Cars after Regulatory Efforts. The 24th World International Traffic Medicine Association (ITMA) Congress. Beijing, China, September 24-26, 2016.
18. Nie, B. (*), Panzer, M., Forman, J., Mane, A., Mait, A., Donlon, J.P., Kent, R. (2016) A Fiber-based Modelling Approach of Ankle Ligaments in situ. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Malaga, Spain.
17. Giudice, J., Nie, B., Wu, T., Poulard, D., Panzer, M. (2016) Evaluation of the GHBMC 5th Female Pelvis and Lower Extremities (PLEX). 1st Annual GHBMC Users Workshop, Plymouth, US.
16. Nie, B. (*), Ye, X., Riley, P., Crandall, J., Panzer, M. (2015) Investigation of Active Muscle Response on the Occupant-Knee Airbag Interaction in Frontal Impacts. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Lyon, France.
15. Rawska, K. (*), Kim, T., Bollapragada, V., Nie, B., Crandall, J., Daniel, T. (2015) Evaluation of the Biofidelity of Multibody Paediatric Human Models under Component Level, Blunt Impact and Belt Loading Conditions. Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Lyon, France.
14. Panzer, M., Nie, B. (2015) Active Muscle Response on Occupant-Knee Airbag Interaction in Automotive Impacts. US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM), San Diego, US.
13. Wu, T., Kim, T., Nie, B., Crandall, J. (2015) Comparison of Structure-based Scaling and Mass-Based Scaling Methods using PMHS Test Data. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) Student Research Symposium, Philadelphia, US.
12. Mane, A., Nie, B., Panzer, M., Donlon, J. P., Mait, A., Kent, R. (2015) Human Ankle Ligament Toe Region Identification through Inverse Finite Element Approach. 13th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
11. Wu, T., Kim, T., Nie, B., Crandall, J. (2015) Comparison of Structure-based Scaling and Mass-based Scaling Methods Applied to Long Bone Mid-Shaft Bending Tests. 12th Ohio Injury Biomechanics Symposium, Columbus, US.
10. Nie, B., Poulard, D., Subit, D., Donlon, J.P., Forman, J., Kent, R. (2014) Computational Modeling of Contemporary Seatbelt Behaviors in Frontal Impacts. 42nd International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, US DOT.
9. Nie, B., Kim, T., Crandall, J., Wang, Y., Bollapragada, V. (2014) A Structure-based Scaling Approach for the Development of Pediatric Multi-Body Human Model. International Crashworthiness Conference (ICRASH) Conference, Malaysia.
8. Tang, J., Nie, B., Zhou, Q. (2013) Analysis of Cyclist’s Kinematics and Injury in Vehicle to Bicycle Crash Based on Finite Element Simulation with THUMS Model. (in Chinese) Proceedings of the 2010 China International Conference of Automotive Safety Technology, Chongqing, China. 533-540.
7. Nie, B. (*), Huang, J., Xia, Y., Zhou, Q., Deng, B., Neal, M. (2012) Development of A Parametric Vehicle Front Structure Model for Pedestrian Impact Simulations. FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Paper Number F2012-F03-004, Beijing, China.
6. Nie, B., Xia, Y., Huang, J., Zhou, Q. (2011) A Simplified Model of Pedestrian Upper Legform Impact for Estimate of Energy-Absorption Space underneath Bonnet Lead. The 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Paper Number 11-0014, Washington, DC, US.
5. Huang, J., Nie, B., Zeng, L., Xia, Y., Zhou, Q. (2011) Development of a Legform Impactor with 4-DOF Knee-Joint for Pedestrian Safety Assessment in Omni-Direction Impacts. SAE World Congress. Paper Number 2011-01-0085, Detroit, US.
4. Nie, B., Xia, Y., Huang, J., Zhou, Q., Liu, Q., Du, H. (2011) Finite Element Simulation on a Vehicle’s Pedestrian Upper Leg Impact Protection (in Chinese). 2011 China International Conference of Automotive Safety Technology, Beijing, China.
3. Nie, B., Xia, Y., Huang, J., Zhou, Q., Chen, G., Liu, Q. (2010) Concept Analysis and Energy-Absorbing Space Estimation with Consideration on Pedestrian Upper Leg Impact Protection. (in Chinese) 2010 China International Conference of Automotive Safety Technology, Chongqing, China.
2. Shen, Z., Huang, J., Nie, B., Zhou, Q., Xia, Y. (2010) Investigation of the Effect of Vehicle Front-end Styling on Pedestrian Protection. (in Chinese) 2010 China International Conference of Automotive Safety Technology, Chongqing, China.
1. Huang, J., Nie, B., Xia, Y., Zhou, Q. (2008) Development of a 4-DOF Pedestrian Legform Impactor for Safety Assessment of Car-to-Pedestrian Impact. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Tianjin, China.
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