2002.9-2006.6 清华大学 车辆工程 学士
2006.9-2011.6 清华大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士
2010.1-2011.2 密歇根大学 机械工程学院 联合培养博士生
2011.7-2014.6 清华大学 汽车工程系 博士后
2014.6-2016.11 助理研究员/助理教授
2016.12-至今 副教授
主持国家自然科学基金3项(青年、面上、重点各1),国家重点研发计划课题2项。发表期刊论文50余篇,Google Scholar引用超4000次, H因子29。出版电池设计学术专著《锂离子电池结构设计理论与应用》。
IEEE Member,SAE Member
期刊Journal of Energy Storage副主编、中国电气工程学报编委、期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics等Guest Editor
期刊J. Power Sources、J. Electrochemical Society、IEEE Trans.、机械工程学报、高电压技术、储能科学与技术等审稿人
Journal of Power Sources ‘Most Cited Articles’Top20 (2012至今)
Asia EIS Conference Best Poster Award(2015)
Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award, Applied Energy (2017)
Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award, J. Energy Storage (2018)
Journal publication
1. Ruqing Fang, Zhe Li*. A Modeling Framework of Electrochemo-Mechanics of Lithium-Ion Battery: Part I. Impedance Response of Single Particle.Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021 168 120523.
2. Zhongxiao Liu, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, Laisuo Su, Hao Ge. Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge with Alternate Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter and Ampere-Hour Counting Methods. Energies, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2019, pp: 757.
3. Ruqing Fang, Hao Ge, Ziheng Wang, Zhe Li*, Jianbo Zhang. A Two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Model of Lithium-Ion Battery and Application on Designing Electrode with Non-Uniform Porosity. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 167, No. 13, 2020, pp: 130513.
4. Ruqing Fang, Peng Dong, Hao Ge, Jiangtao Fu, Zhe Li*, Jianbo Zhang. Capacity plunge of lithium-ion batteries induced by electrolyte drying-out-Experimental and Modeling Study. Journal of Energy Storage 42 (2021) 103013.
5. Zhe Li, Jun Huang, Boryann Liaw, Jianbo Zhang. On state-of-charge determination for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 348(1): 281-301.
6. Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, Bin Wu, et al. Examining temporal and spatial variations of internal temperature in large-format laminated battery with embedded thermocouples, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 241(1): 536-553.
7. Zhe Li, Jun Huang, Jianbo Zhang, et al. A review of lithium deposition in lithium-ion and lithium metal secondary batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 254(1), 168-182.
8. Zhe Li, Languang Lu, Minggao Ouyang, Yuankun Xiao. Modeling the capacity degradation of LiFePO4/graphite batteries based on stress coupling analysis, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(22): 9757-9766.
9. Zhe Li, Minggao Ouyang. A win-win marginal rent analysis for operator and consumer under battery leasing mode in China electric vehicle market,Energy Policy, 2011, 39(6): 3222-3237.
10. Zhe Li, Minggao Ouyang. The pricing of charging for electric vehicles in China—dilemma and solution, Energy, 2011, 36(9): 5765-5778.
11. Jianbo Zhang, Jun Huang, Zhe Li*, et al. Comparison and validation of methods for estimating heat generation rate of large-format lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 117(1):447-461.
12. Jun Huang, Jianbo Zhang, Zhe Li*, et al. Exploring differences between charge and discharge of LiMn2O4/Li half-cell with dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 131, 228-235.
13. Jianbo Zhang, Bin Wu, Zhe Li*, et al. Simultaneous estimation of thermal parameters for large-format laminated lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 259: 106-116.
14. Jianbo Zhang, Hao Ge, Zhe Li*, et al. Internal heating of lithium-ion batteries using alternating current based on the heat generation model in frequency domain, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 273: 1030-1037.
15. Jun Huang, Hao Ge, Zhe Li*, et al. Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of a three-electrode lithium-ion battery during pulse charge and discharge, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 176(1): 311-320.
16. Laisuo Su, Jianbo Zhang, Caijuan Wang, Yakun Zhang, Zhe Li*, et al. Identifying main factors of capacity fading in lithium ion cells using orthogonal design of experiments, Applied Energy, 2016, 163: 201-210.
17. Hao Ge, Jun Huang, Jianbo Zhang, Zhe Li*. Temperature-adaptive alternating current preheating of lithium-ion batteries with lithium deposition prevention, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163(2): A290-A299.
18. Laisuo Su, Jianbo Zhang, Jun Huang, Hao Ge, Zhe Li*, Fengchao Xie, Boryann Liaw. Path dependence of lithium ion cells aging under storage conditions, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 315(1): 35-46.
19. Yakun Zhang, Hao Ge, Jun Huang, Zhe Li*, Jianbo Zhang*. A comparative degradation study of commercial lithium-ion cells under low-temperature cycling, RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7(37): 23157-23163.
20. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Bor Yann Liaw, et al. Entropy coefficient of a blended electrode in a lithium-ion cell, Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2015, 162(12): A2367-A2371.
21. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang. Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reconstructed from continuous impedance measurement of single frequency during charging/discharging, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 273, 1098-1102.
22. Bin Wu, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang. Thermal design for the pouch-type large-format lithium-ion batteries. I. Thermo-electrical modeling and origins of temperature non-uniformity, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162 (1): A181-A191.
23. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, et al. An analytical three-scale impedance model for porous electrode with agglomerates in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162(4):A585-A595.
24. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Hao Ge, Jianbo Zhang. Analytical solution to the impedance of electrode/electrolyte interface in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162(13): A7037-A7048.
25. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Bor Yann Liaw, Jianbo Zhang. Graphical analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data in Bode and Nyquist representation, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 309:82-98.
26. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang. Review of characterization and modeling of polymer electrolyte fuel cell catalyst layer: The blessing and curse of ionomer, FRONTIERS IN ENERGY, 2017, 9(11), 334-364.
27. Jun Huang, Hao Ge, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang. An agglomerate model for the impedance of secondary particle in lithium-ion battery electrode, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161(8): E3202-E3215.
28. Yan DX, Lu LG, Li Z, Feng XN, Ouyang MG, Jiang FC. Durability comparison of four different types of high-power batteries in HEV and their degradation mechanism analysis, APPLIED ENERGY, 2016, 179(1): 1123-1130.
29. Huang J, Tong B, Li Z, Zhou T, Zhang JB, Peng ZQ. Probing the Reaction Interface in Li-Oxygen Batteries Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Discharge-Charge Asymmetry in Reaction Sites and Electronic Conductivity, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2018, 9(12),3403-3408.
30. Hu XS, Yuan H, Zou CF, Li Z, Zhang L. Co-Estimation of State of Charge and State of Health for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Fractional-Order Calculus, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2018,67(11): 10319-10329.
31. An FQ, Huang J, Wang CY, Li Z, Zhang JB, Wang S, Li P. Cell sorting for parallel lithium-ion battery systems: Evaluation based on an electric circuit model, JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, 2016, 6(1): 195-203
32. Ge H, Aoki T, Ikeda N, Suga S, Isobe T, Li Z, Tabuchi Y, Zhang JB. Investigating Lithium Plating in Lithium-Ion Batteries at Low Temperatures Using Electrochemical Model with NMR Assisted Parameterization, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2017, 164(6): A1050-A1060.
33. Jianbo Zhang, Jun Huang, Lufan Chen, Zhe Li*. Lithium-ion battery discharge behaviors at low temperatures and cell-to-cell uniformity, 汽车安全与节能学报, 2014, 5 (04): 391-400.
34. 左安昊,方儒卿,李哲. 锂离子电池电极结构参数对单体能量与功率的影响,储能科学与技术,2021,10(2):470-481.
35. 方儒卿,张娜,李哲. 3类锂离子电池多孔电极模型比较研究及电池正向设计应用, 清华大学学报自然科学版,2021,61(10):1055-1065.
36. 李哲, 韩雪冰, 卢兰光, 欧阳明高. 动力型磷酸铁锂电池的温度特性, 机械工程学报, 2011, 47(18): 115-120.
37. 李哲, 卢兰光, 欧阳明高. 提高安时积分法估算电池SOC 精度的方法比较, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 50(8): 1294-1296,1301.
38. 李哲, 仝猛, 卢兰光, 欧阳明高. 动力型铅酸及LiFePO4离子电池的容量特性, 电池, 2009, 39(1):26-28.
39. 田硕, 李哲, 卢兰光, 欧阳明高. HEV用动力蓄电池的最大充放电性能, 电池, 2008, 38(1):27-30.
40. 吴彬,李哲,张剑波,层叠式锂离子电池展向温度分布的分析解及基于分析解的热设计优化,中国科学:技术科学,2014,44(11):1154-1172.
41. 张剑波, 卢兰光, 李哲. 车用动力电池系统的关键技术与学科前沿, 汽车安全与节能学报, 2012, 3(2): 87-104.
42. 张剑波, 吴彬, 李哲. 车用动力锂离子电池热模拟与热设计的研发状况与展望,集成技术,2014, 3(1):18-26.
Proceedings publication
43. Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, Bin Wu, et al. Probing battery internal thermal process with group of embedded-sensors, The 16th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2012), June 17-22, 2012, Jeju, Korea.
44. Zhe Li, Minggao Ouyang, Languang Lu, et al. Test program design for durability of lithium iron phosphate power batteries. EVS-25 (The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition), Nov. 5-8, 2010, Shenzhen,China.
45. Jianbo Zhang, Jun Huang, Zhe Li*, et al. The study of resistance variation between charging and discharging process by current-interrupt technique and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS), IEEE VPPC, Oct. 15-18, 2013, Beijing,China.
46. Jianbo Zhang, Bin Wu, Zhe Li*, et al. Simultaneous estimation of multiple thermal parameters of large-format laminated lithium-ion batteries, IEEE VPPC, Oct. 15-18, 2013, Beijing,China.
47. Jun Huang, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, et al. Exploring differences between charge and discharge of LiMn2O4/Li half-cell with dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS), The 9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS 2013), June 16-21, 2013, Okinawa, Japan.
48. Bin Wu, Zhe Li, Jianbo Zhang, et al. Thermal modeling of large-format laminated Li-ion battery and experimental validation using embedded thermocouples, EVS (The International Electric Vehicle Symposium) 27, Nov. 17-20, 2013, Barcelona,Spain.
49. Jianbo Zhang, Bin Wu, Jun Huang, Zhe Li, et al. Development of thermal parameter estimation techniques for improving the thermal design of a lithium ion battery, The 25th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Nov. 5-7, 2014, Krabi, Thailand.